Blog Entry #2: 1820-1830
Before anything... I want to thank to all the fans that have wrote to me. I love the support of them, they make me keep going. I have been very busy since the last blog, you know... Doing new things.
So what's knew... I' m going to two different countries in another continent, to be more specific México and the United States. This is so exited because a friend that just went there told me that the environment in Mexico is so different, it's hot and humid and the animals to. Another important thing about this countries is their cultures, in Mexico the cultures change a lot.
Some friends will join me on this trip.
Antoinne Pierre
Amelie Babineaux Cristinne
Delon Regnault
You will love their blogs.
Context Expert: Me
Change Continuity Expert:Camila
Cause/Effect expert: Alejandra
Time/Place expert: Leonardo
Perspectives Expert: Me
Comparison Contrast: Camila
Historical Facts: Alejandra
Context Expert: Leonardo
Change continuity: Me
Cause effect:Camila
Time/Place: Alejandra
Perspective: Leonardo
Comparison: Me
Historical: Camila
Part 2
Age 1827
My Age 15
Amelie Babineaux : 20 years old.
Antoinne Pierre: 25 years old.
Cristinne: 23 Years old
Change continuity
So many things changed because the independence was from 1810-1821 so we are talking of completely new country, a country with many ideas and opportunities. That mean that it is like a baby, they don't know nothing about the world. Lots of things change in short periods. Many people from different wings fought for the power. At least when Spain owned México or New Spain they knew what they were doing because of their experience.
If we want to do a comparison between France, USA and Mexico we think about the society... in France there wasn't a big contrast in cultures if we compare it with Mexico, for example... the "criollos" just united with criollos. One thing that they have in common is that the levels on the societies, this in the clases. In Mexico... the kingdoms stopped governing on the side of France having blue blood was so important because it means that you are part of the kingdom. When we talk about the economic part... both were a disaster the injustice on taxes was big.
Context Expert.
Now we are in United States of America. Revolution helped the a lot, the developments are fast, for example, agriculture. This happened because they are a republic, something new for them. Now the citizens are working and being educated. This make them more responsable.
Perspectives Expert.
I am so nervous because I've just met a guy with big ideas, Andrew Jackson. He is planning a movement for more democracy, nowadays we need more equality. If he wants to do this he needs to be president, so he would have the power to change the things.
Library Guides: American Social History by Eras and Decades: 19th Century America. (s. f.). Library Guides. Recuperado 13 de octubre de 2020, de
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